Klasë pa mure: epoka e harruar e shkollave në ajër të hapur


Klasë pa mure: epoka e harruar e shkollave në ajër të hapur

2021-04-06 00:00:00 3 min lexim 84

Kjo fotografi bardhezi më del përpara syve herë pas here në internet dhe në të përmblidhen gjithë dëshirat për arsimin që do të doja të kisha pasur. Fotografia është bërë më 1957 në Holandë, ku shkollat në ajër të hapur ishin shumë popullore në atë kohë. Ideja e një klase al fresco vjen krejt natyrshëm, kur e lejon edhe moti, por, fatkeqësisht, shumica e shkollave tradicionale në perëndim sot nuk e theksojnë fort dobinë e mësimit jashtë katër mureve.

Vendosa ta hulumtoja pak më thellë rreth kësaj fotografie, për të parë se mos gjeja shembuj të tjerë të shkollave në ajër të hapur, të cilat mund të më ndihmonin për të kuptuar zanafillën e tyre. Teksa dielli rrëshqet në mënyrë joshëse mbi tryezën time, duke më nxitur t’ia mbath prej zyrës, kjo është thirrje për edukatorët dhe mësuesit tanë: hapini dritaret, lërini cicërimat e zogjve të hyjnë brenda, futeni pranverën në klasë...

Kur shkolla, literalisht, kishte marrë rrugët...

Në fillim të shek. XX shkollat në ajër të hapur ishin shumë të zakonta në Evropën Veriore, fillimisht të ndërtuara për të parandaluar dhe për të luftuar shpërndarjen e tuberkulozit, sëmundje e cila u shfaq gjatë periudhës para Luftës II Botërore. Shkollat ndërtoheshin duke respektuar konceptin se qëndrimi në ajër të pastër, në vend të ajrosur dhe në mes të natyrës ishin kushtet kryesore që duhej të garantonte ndërtesa.

Kjo ide u përhap shpejt dhe lëvizja për shkollat në vend të hapur u përdorën në dobi të shëndetit të nxënësve, duke i nxitur të gjithë studentët që të qëndronin jashtë mureve të ndërtesës sa më gjatë të ishte e mundur. Gjithçka filloi me krijimin e Waldeschule (që fjalë për fjalë do të thotë “shkolla e pyllit”), e ndërtuar në Charlottenburg, Gjermani, më 1904, e projektuar për t’u krijuar nxënësve sa më shumë kushte për të qëndruar në diell. Orët e mësimit zhvilloheshin në mes të pyllit që rrethonte shkollën, metodë që besohej se i ndihmonte të rinjtë e qytetit për të krijuar pavarësi dhe për të forcuar vetëvlerësimin.

Frymëzuar nga shkollat e pyllit, arsimimi në klasa që ndodheshin në ajër të hapur u huazua në vende të tjera të Evropës dhe më 1937 në gjithë Britaninë funksiononin 96 syresh. Amerika i pati huazuar këto shkolla që herët, duke ndërtuar qysh më 1908 shkollën e parë me klasa në natyrë në Providence, Rhode Island.

Klasë e shkollës në ajër të hapur, Uffculme, Birmingam, Britani e madhe
Shkollë në ajër të hapur në Suresnes, Paris

Të sigurt për efektivitetin e kësaj metode në arsim, lëvizja u organizua më 1922, kohë kur u mblodh i pari Kongres Ndërkombëtar me nismën e Lidhjes për Arsim në Ajër të Hapur.

Ndërtimi i godinave shkollore filloi të ndiqte traditën e “projektit në formë pavijonesh”, i cili në format e brendshme ngjasonte me arkitekturën e përdorur në spitale, me korridore të përshkruar nga dritare të larta në gjatësinë e tyre.

Openluchtschool (shkollë në ajër të hapur) në Amsterdam, ndërtuar nga Johannes Duiker më 1930

Në vitet 1930 klasat mund të shndërroheshin në tarraca të hapura, pasi ishin të pajisura me dyer dhe çati të lëvizshme, si dhe ishin mobiluar me mobilie të lehta, që lëvizeshin lehtësisht. Ky stil i veçantë shkolle mbeti i zakontë deri në vitet 1970. Pas përhapjes së antibiotikëve dhe përmirësimit të kushteve të jetesës në shtëpi, shkollat në ajër të hapur ishin gjithnjë e më pak të nevojshme pas Luftës II Botërore, dhe gradualisht u zhdukën.

Ndoshta vetëm unë ndjej dëshirën për të fluturuar jashtë zyrës sa herë dielli nxjerr kokën mbi qytet gjatë pranverës, gjithsesi, jam dakord që shkollat në ajër të hapur të risillen. Edhe në qofshim tepër vonë për të shijuar të mirat, ku ka mënyrë më të mirë për t’i bërë brezat e rinj entuziastë për të mësuar, se klasat me më pak mure?

Le ta lëmë imagjinatën e tyre të marrë frymë, të vrapojë më larg dhe të kenë ide më të bukura për të ardhmen...

15 Maj 2020  Burimi Messynessy 

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Так что, готовы ли вы погрузиться в мир неограниченных возможностей и свершений? Не откладывайте на завтра то, что можно получить уже сегодня! Получите круглосуточный займ прямо сейчас и станьте хозяином своей судьбы!

Reply May 08, 2023 05:50
[b]Things You Need To Know Before Picking the Right Air Duct Cleaning Company[/b]
The majority of time we spend indoors is currently. Your health and well-being could be affected negatively from a house that is contaminated by dust, pollen, and other harmful airborne particles. You may want to contact an AC cleaning service prior to your family getting sick. Aren't sure which company to hire. Here are five tips to help find someone who has relevant duct-cleaning experience. Using this guide can assist you in making an informed decision. A professional will do the job properly and you'll feel confident. These suggestions can aid you on your quest to locate the best duct cleaning team.

[b]1. Gather Local Referrals[/b]
Begin by speaking with those you trust and have a good relationship with. Ask them whether they have used the AC duct cleaning company they selected was one they've used in the last year. If so, ask them what they thought of the company. For instance, were they satisfied with the services they received? What were their experiences working with the team? Also, ask them what price they paid for their services. To find out more about duct cleansing companies within your area, collect recommendations.

[b]2. Consider How Long They’ve Operated[/b]
Make sure you research the company's past experience before hiring them for AC duct cleaning. Examine how long they've been in business. It's important to make sure they have years experience with the cleaning of ducts. Every year, more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. Allergies can be a significant cause of chronic illnesses across the US. It is possible to reduce allergies by working with an experienced team that has experience with duct cleansing. See the [url=https://energyhomeservice.ca/]Energy Home Service - Air Duct Cleaning[/url] for tips


[b]3. Check for Complaints[/b]
Online reviews can help you to learn more about companies on your list. For reviews, check the website of the company or BBB listing. They shouldn't have many major issues.

[b]4. Consider Their Credentials[/b]
Learn more about the company and their staff, as well. Ask the company about background checks. Determine who will be coming to your house to clean your AC ducts. It is important to ensure that every firm is licensed to work within the region. In the event of an accident, your insurance policy will guard your rights.

[b]5. Get a Contract in Writing[/b]
Find out prices for duct cleaning prior to hiring a business. This will allow you to find the cost average of the services you can expect to receive in your area. Request estimates from three companies located in the region. Ask each company to provide the copy. You will avoid paying additional fees if you don't read the whole contract. The company should provide guarantees. Then, you must take notes to make an informed selection. This will allow you to feel confident in your choice of AC duct cleaning service. They can eliminate the toxins from your ducts and keep your family and you well. These guidelines can help you find an air duct service you can count on. You'll feel secure knowing that an experienced team will complete the task. Follow the [url=https://energyhomeservice.ca/duct-cleaning-vaughan/]Vaughan Duct Cleaning Services[/url] for info.


[b]6. Do Your Homework On The Most Effective Air Duct Cleaning Firms.[/b]
Check the background and experience of the air duct cleaning companies you're considering. Talk to each of them and find out not only how long they've been in business, but also how long their employees have performed the type of work that will be done in your home. Ask for referrals from previous customers, and ask friends, family members and neighbors if they've had air duct cleaning and if they have any recommendations.

[b]7. Check the BBB[/b]
You can check the ratings of the companies on your list by going to the site of your local Better Business Bureau chapter. If you have complaints, look to see if they were addressed in a way that satisfied the consumer.

[b]8. Check for Insurance[/b]
Be sure that any business you invite in your home is fully covered. If not, and there's an accident, you may be held responsible. See the [url=https://energyhomeservice.ca/duct-cleaning-richmond-hill/]Richmond Hill Duct Cleaning Services[/url] for details.


[b]9. Will Chemicals Be Used?[/b]
Ask the companies about what chemicals will go into your home. Although it will ensure that your home's ducts are clean, some chemicals could pose a risk to your health and the health of your loved ones. Be sure to conduct some research on the chemicals being utilized to make sure you're as relaxed as possible.
Reply Dec 29, 2022 21:34
[b]Things To Look For Before Buying a Commercial Air Duct Cleaning Company[/b]
Air ducts must always be given a thorough maintenance and cleaning to ensure that they perform their job at the best level. Commercial kitchen owners must consider cleaning their air ducts. Cleaning your air ducts actually is the process of having all your vent systems, including the supply, intake, and return vents cleaned by the latest air equipment for cleaning ducts. Also, air duct cleaning also includes cleaning the registers, grilles and fans, as well as HVAC units, and cleaning the furnace if you have one. The air ducts in your home should be cleaned at least once every 3 to 5 years. In certain situations it is possible that you require it to be done more often in order to achieve the highest quality results and keep them running for longer time periods. Professional cleaning services near me can help you ensure that your air is flowing freely and eliminate any airborne pollutants. Mold, mildew and other harmful particles can thrive when your ductwork isn't cleaned. If it's in the ductwork, it's in the air inside your home or company. It's not every air duct cleaning service will be suitable for your needs or budget. It can be difficult to locate a trustworthy service provider if you do not have sufficient experience. However, we're here to assist. Have a look a the [url=https://energyhomeservice.ca/air-duct-cleaning/]Duct Cleaning Service[/url] for information.


[b]Here Are 6 Tips To Help You Pick The Best Air Duct Cleaning Business.[/b]
[b]1. Recommendations[/b]
Do you know of anyone who uses the services of a professional cleaning service for duct cleaning? The most effective way to locate trustworthy solutions is to ask friends to recommend. Make a list of local businesses based on information supplied by family and friends who are trustworthy. Pay particular attention to not just the companies they recommend, but also to service providers they experienced a negative experience with. Do not recommend companies that you and you don't trust because of their personal experiences.

[b]2. Visit Their Websites To Find Out More About Them.[/b]
Visit their websites to find out more about their company. It's simple to find out more about the company's duct cleaning services, and then schedule an appointment. If a business has testimonials on their website, make sure to look them up. The most effective air duct cleaning company's website will inspire confidence in the services they provide. Have a look a the [url=https://energyhomeservice.ca/air-duct-cleaning/commercial-buildings/]Commercial Duct Cleaning[/url] for more info.


[b]3. Have A Look At The Bb Study[/b]
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is a good place to give a top rating to a trustworthy business. Find a company's name on the Better Business Bureau website to see whether it has an unsatisfactory rating or has a large number of customer complaints. This resource can also be viewed on third-party websites, like Yelp or Google Reviews. It's important that you consider negative feedback. But, complaints with a high number should indicate that a company might not be the right option to clean your ducts.

[b]4. Double-Check Your Credentials[/b]
Cleaning air ducts can pose the risk of. We don't recommend that you take on this task by yourself. You require special training and certification in order to complete a legal and safe job on air-ducts that are located in crawl spaces or attics. American Air Duct Cleaning is licensed and certified to clean your business or home. It is important to ensure that the business you choose is insured. If the technician inflicts injury on your property, you may be held accountable. Follow the [url=https://energyhomeservice.ca/air-duct-cleaning/dryer-vent/laundromat-commercial/]Laundromat Dryer Vent Cleaning[/url] for information.


[b]5. Hands-On Experience[/b]
It is important to find out the length of time the business has been in operation in your local area. This will allow you to pick the ideal air cleaning service for your ducts. While it's thrilling to meet new companies, you don’t want anyone to harm your home. A well-known business knows about the homes and air duct systems that are in the area. We know how to fix the most prevalent issues that arise with air ducts in the area and the best way to clean them.

[b]6. Write It Down[/b]
Before scheduling the cleaning of ducts, a specialist will provide an estimate for the service you need to provide your house or business. The price of cleaning ducts can vary based on the size of your ductwork and how well your furnace's systems function. Once you have surveyed the property and gotten an estimate, look over the estimate. You should ensure that each aspect of the job is documented.
Reply Dec 27, 2022 13:16
[b]Things To Look For When Deciding On the Right Air Duct Cleaning Company[/b]
We now spend about 90% of our time indoors. If your house is suffocated of dander, dust, and other airborne pollutants, it can impact your health and wellbeing. It's recommended to call an AC duct cleaning service before your family members get sick. Don't know who company to hire. These are five tips to help you select the right company for your duct cleansing requirements. This guide can help you make an informed decision. Professionals will complete the job right and you'll feel confident. These suggestions will help you start your search for a duct cleaner today.

[b]1. Gather Local Referrals[/b]
Begin by talking to people you already are familiar with and have confidence in. Find out if they've worked with an AC cleaning service for ducts within the last year. If so, what were their experiences with the company. Was their experience satisfied with the services they received? What were their experiences working with the team? You can ask them about the amount they paid for the company's services. A request for recommendations can help you gain knowledge about the duct-cleaning companies that are in your region.

[b]2. Consider How Long They’ve Operated[/b]
Learn more about the firm's experience and qualifications before selecting an AC duct cleaner. How long have they been operating for? It is important to ensure they've got many years of experience in duct cleaning. Annually, over 50 million Americans are affected by allergies. As a matter of fact allergies are among the top causes of chronic illnesses within the US. A team who has experience in duct cleaning can minimize airborne allergies within your home. See the [url=https://energyhomeservice.ca/]Energy Home Service - Air Duct Cleaning[/url] for more information


[b]3. Check for Complaints[/b]
Read online reviews to learn more about each business. Look at the company's BBB Listing for reviews. Verify that no major complaints have been filed against the business.

[b]4. Consider Their Credentials[/b]
Find out more about the business and their technicians, too. Request that the company conduct background checks. It is crucial to know who will be cleaning the AC ducts in your home. Make sure that the company is authorized to work in the area and are covered by insurance. Their insurance will protect your interests in the event of an accident.

[b]5. Get a Contract in Writing[/b]
Before hiring a company begin comparing duct cleaning costs to determine the average price of services offered in the region. Get estimates from three different local companies. Ask each company for a copy of their contract and also. To avoid additional fees when you hire the business ensure that you have read the complete contract. The company should offer an assurance. After that, go through the notes you took to help make an informed decision. This will allow you to feel confident in the choice you make for AC duct cleaning service. They will remove any contaminants from your ducts , and ensure that you and your family are healthy. These tips will assist you in choosing a duct cleaning company you can count on. You'll be able to rest assured that the experts will get the job done. See the [url=https://energyhomeservice.ca/duct-cleaning-vaughan/]Vaughan Duct Cleaning Services[/url] for details.


[b]6. Do Some Research On Companies That Clean Air Ducts[/b]
Check the background and experience of the air duct cleaning companies you're considering. Talk to each of them and find out not only how long they've been in business, but also how long their employees have performed the type of work that will be done in your home. Ask for referrals from previous customers, and ask friends, family members and neighbors if they've had air duct cleaning and if they have any recommendations.

[b]7. Check the BBB[/b]
Visit the Better Business Bureau website to see the ratings for the businesses on your list. To see if complaints were addressed to ensure customer satisfaction, go to the Better Business Bureau's website.

[b]8. Check for Insurance[/b]
It's essential to make sure that any company you invite into your home has insurance. If they're not insured and an accident occurs, there is a possibility you'll be held responsible. Have a look a the [url=https://energyhomeservice.ca/duct-cleaning-richmond-hill/]Richmond Hill Duct Cleaning Services[/url] for more information.


[b]9. Will Chemicals Be Used?[/b]
Find out what chemicals companies employ for your home. While this is helpful in keeping your ducts in good condition however, there are some substances that could harm your health or the health of your family. Do some research on the chemicals that will be employed to ensure that you're as healthy as you can be.
Reply Dec 21, 2022 20:40
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Reply Dec 08, 2022 04:30
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